Dagens Gilmore Quote

"Luke: I was with a customer.
She interrupts me, wild-eyed,
begging for coffee, so I tell her
to wait her turn. Then she starts
following me around, talking a
mile a minute, saying God knows what.
So finally I turn to her, and I tell
her she's being annoying
- sit down, shut up, I'll get to her
when I get to her.

Lorelai: Y'know, I bet she took that very well,
'cause she sounds just delightful.

Luke: She asked me what my
birthday was. I wouldn't tell her.
She wouldn't stop talking. I gave in.
I told her my birthday. Then she
opened up the newspaper to the
horoscope page, wrote something down,
tore it out, handed it to me.

Lorelai: God, seriously. You wrote
the menu, didn't you?

Luke: So I'm looking at this piece
of paper in my hand, and under
Scorpio, she had written 'You will
meet an annoying woman today.
Give her coffee and she'll go away.
' I gave her coffee.

Lorelai: [grins] But she didn't go away.

Luke: She told me to hold on to that
horoscope, put it in my wallet,
and carry it around with me

- [takes a piece of paper from his wallet and gives it to her]

Luke: one day it would bring me luck.

- Luke Danes


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